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12th Annual

LA Construction & Associated Careers Awareness Day

We would like to  inform you that due to unforeseen circumstances, California Community Connection Corporation and the Career Day Planning Committee has voted to postpone the 12th Annual Greater Los Angeles Construction and Associated Careers awareness day fair that was originally scheduled for Wednesday, March 25, 2020.


Please mark your calendars for new event date of 

Thursday September 24, 2020 at Los Angeles Southwest College


In the meantime, we will keep you posted on developments as we work to reorganize and restructure the event details and program to bring the best and most exciting career day event for our Los Angeles Youth and Young Adults. 


We look forward to your inclusion and continued support in September. You may contact us via return email should you have questions or wish to pledge your support for the upcoming event. You may reach Pastor McGlover directly by calling (323) 791-1780 or email at

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